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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How to use BlackBerry Desktop Manager 4.3 to 5.0.1 to restore data to a BlackBerry smartphone from a backup file

To restore all of the data to a BlackBerry smartphone from a backup file, complete the following steps:
  1. Connect the BlackBerry smartphone to a computer that has BlackBerry Desktop Software installed.
  2. Open the BlackBerry® Desktop Manager.
  3. Click Backup and Restore.
  4. Click Restore.
  5. Navigate to the backup file that contains the data to be restored to the BlackBerry smartphone.
  6. Double-click the backup (.ipd) file.
  7. A warning will appear that all data currently on the device will be overwritten with the backup file. If you agree to this, click Yes.
  8. When the process is complete, disconnect the BlackBerry smartphone from the computer.

To restore specific databases in the backup file to a BlackBerry smartphone, complete the following steps:
  1. Connect the BlackBerry smartphone to the computer.
  2. Open the BlackBerry Desktop Manager.
  3. Click Backup and Restore.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. On the File menu, click Open.
  6. Double-click the backup (.ipd) file.
  7. In the Computer Databases section, select the database or databases to restore, and then click the right arrow button.
  8. A warning will appear that the data currently on the device in this specific database will be overwritten with the backup data. If you agree to this, click Yes.
  9. When the process is complete, disconnect the BlackBerry smartphone from the computer.
    Note: If the right arrow button is unavailable, see the Additional Information section in this article
  • BlackBerry® Desktop Software 4.3 to 5.0.1
  • BlackBerry smartphones
Additional Information
By default, backup files are saved to the Documents folder on the BlackBerry smartphone user's computer, unless the path or location is manually changed. To find the folder, click Start > My Documents, or navigate to the following locations:
  • For Windows® XP, the My Documents folder path is C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\
  • For Windows Vista™, the Documents folder path is C:\Users\<username>\Documents\
By default, backup files are saved with the following file names unless the file name is manually changed:
  • Backup files created by manually performing a backup through Backup and Restore: Backup-(yyyy-mm-dd).ipd
  • Backup files created automatically when actions are performed using the application loader tool: LoaderBackup-(yyyy-mm-dd).ipd
  • Backup files created automatically if periodic automatic backups are enabled in the Backup and Restore tool options: AutoBackup-(yyyy-mm-dd).ipd
Note: "YYYY-MM-DD" represents the date the backup file was created in Year-Month-Date format.

If the BlackBerry smartphone is associated with a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server 4.0 to 5.0, and the user account associated with the BlackBerry smartphone is set for automatic wireless backup, the right arrow button (>>) is unavailable while attempting to manually restore most databases.
To restore these databases manually, complete the following steps:
  1. Delete the Desktop [SYNC] service book from the BlackBerry smartphone by completing the following steps:
    1. On the Home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone, click Options > Advanced Options > Service Book.
    2. Highlight Desktop [SYNC], display the menu, and click Delete.
  2. Connect the BlackBerry smartphone to the computer.
  3. Restore the databases using the preceding steps to restore specific databases in the backup file to a BlackBerry smartphone.
  4. When the database or databases are restored, click Options > Advanced Options > Service Book on the BlackBerry smartphone.
  5. Display the menu and click Undelete. The Desktop [SYNC] service book is restored.


  1. How can I det BlackBerry Desktop Software ..?


  2. How can I get BlackBerry Desktop Software ..?

