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Monday, September 13, 2010

Unable to delete a picture

  1. Verify that Mass Storage Mode is enabled on the BlackBerry smartphone by completing the following steps:
    1. Click the Options icon and select the Memory option.
    2. Verify that the Mass Storage Mode Support field is set to On.
    3. Verify that the Auto Enable Mass Storage Mode When Connected field is set to On or Prompt.
  2. Connect the BlackBerry smartphone to the computer.
  3. Open My Computer.
  4. Select the removable drive for the BlackBerry smartphone's media card.
  5. Select the BlackBerry folder.
  6. Select the Pictures folder.
  7. Delete the picture.
  8. Disconnect the BlackBerry smartphone from the computer.
  9. Access the Media application from the BlackBerry smartphone and verify that the picture is deleted.

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